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Heroic Firefighter Works Tirelessly To Save A Dog’s Life

In Pitesti, Romania, a t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e fire broke out in an apartment. Both the tenant, a 51-year-old man, and his dog were pulled out in time.

While the man was taken to the local hospital to have his injuries looked after, his dog was left behind.

Its lifeless body remained on the sidewalk until emergency responders could assist.

That’s when firefighter Costache Mugurel saw the dog. He drew on his basic training and administered CPR to the poor pup. Mugurel gave the small dog mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions.

The Facebook video of this heroic act has already been viewed over 2 million times. It shows the firefighter’s incredible tenacity as he repeats compressions over and over, and then gives the dog mouth to mouth. He eventually places an oxygen mask over his snout when he sees the dog begin to breathe a little on his own.

Mugurel’s efforts were not in vain. A short while after the video was recorded, the puppy was in a local veterinary clinic recovering.

Mugurel was honored by the local government for his heroic rescue.

“His decision, that at the end of an extinguishing mission to bring to life a smoky little smoker smoked, impressed millions of peers,” a Facebook post reads. “Good deeds are always rewarded, and today the command of the General Inspectorate handed him the emblem of honor, in recognition of the devotion with which Mugurel cherishes life.”

Romanian journalist Costi Tudor posted a video of the rescue to Facebook with the comment, “Nobody gets left behind.”

WOW, what a hero!

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