Dog Brought Back to Shelter For Being ‘Too Good’
A dog who was returned to a shelter for being too well-behaved. That’s according to Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA, who said that a one-year-old dog named Binx was given back to them ““because the dog was considered by its erstwhile new owner as being ‘too good.’”

“No Seriously! I was adopted and returned within 48 hours, with notes saying I’m potty trained, good with kids, fun to play with, and good with dogs in the home!” the shelter posted on Facebook. “They decided they wanted more of a challenge and I think the only challenging part of me is how devastatingly handsome I am – I can’t get anything done here at the shelter because everyone is petting me, telling me what a good boy I am, and taking me for walks. So if you’re ready for a handsome, well-mannered pup, here I am!”
So once again, Binx was looking for a home. Dog lovers have responded with a mixture of disbelief and sympathy. Many asked if Binx was still available.
“Hopefully you didn’t let those ridiculous adopters get another dog,” one woman wrote.
“It boggles my mind how people take pet adoption so flippantly!” another posted. “A pet is a living breathing thing, not a disposable item.”
As it turns out Binx did not have to wait very long. Within two days he was adopted by a wonderful new family.

The shelter wrote: “My new dad saw me on TV, but my new mom was out of town. When he picked her up from the airport, he said they had to make one stop: and it was to meet me! We fell in love immediately, and they live next to a mountain preserve so we can go hiking all the time. They lost their dog a year ago, who was trained in a Florence prison to be a therapy dog for inmates and gave them 14 wonderful years. I have big paws to fill with my loving new parents, but I know I will live the most amazing life from now on!”

So once again, Binx was looking for a home. Dog lovers have responded with a mixture of disbelief and sympathy. Many asked if Binx was still available.
“Hopefully you didn’t let those ridiculous adopters get another dog,” one woman wrote.
“It boggles my mind how people take pet adoption so flippantly!” another posted. “A pet is a living breathing thing, not a disposable item.”
As it turns out Binx did not have to wait very long. Within two days he was adopted by a wonderful new family.

The shelter wrote: “My new dad saw me on TV, but my new mom was out of town. When he picked her up from the airport, he said they had to make one stop: and it was to meet me! We fell in love immediately, and they live next to a mountain preserve so we can go hiking all the time. They lost their dog a year ago, who was trained in a Florence prison to be a therapy dog for inmates and gave them 14 wonderful years. I have big paws to fill with my loving new parents, but I know I will live the most amazing life from now on!”
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