Dog Brought To Shelter Because Family Is Expecting Baby
Dogs are loyal companions and would never abandon their family. They can adjust to change and should not be thought of as disposable. Adding to a family is cause for celebration, not abandonment. Sadly, one adorable pit bull was dropped off at a shelter when his family found out that they were having baby.
The nervous dog, named Smiley, was surrendered to a crowded shelter in Brooklyn, New York. The dog was betrayed by his family and then placed on the “kill list” because the shelter stated, “He has been noted to become uncomfortable with handling at times, especially when a person is reaching over him.” He was not labeled as aggressive and no health issues.
Julie Carner, proud foster mom to Pitties, took to Facebook to try and save the innocent pup. She posted, “I’M A GOOD BOY, I WOULD HAVE LOVED THAT NEW BABY! – PLEASE HELP ME, I DONT WANT TO DIE … By all accounts he is a just about perfect – friendly and outgoing, loves to play with his ball toys along with squeaky toys, house-trained, he knows commands sit, stay and come in SPANISH, if he pulls on the leash he will slow down when told to, no guarding issues.”
The post caught the attention of Olena Kagui while riding the subway with her husband. Usually she has to pass the sad images, but something about the dog’s sad eyes begging for help made her stop. Kagui told the DoDo, “I started bawling when I saw that no one in the comments said they could take him,” Kagui said. “My husband noticed me crying, read the post and said, ‘We can’t get a dog right now.’”
Instead of giving up, Kagui convinced her husband to foster Smiley. She immediately reached out and found out that Pound Hounds Res-Q, a local rescue group, was working on rescuing Smiley from the shelter but needed a foster. That is where Kagui and her husband came in.
Smiley was neutered and then headed to his new foster home. At first, he was very nervous and shy. “He drank some water and it was … clear that he was house-trained, [and] knew not to jump on the bed or to chew anything except for his toys. But he wouldn’t settle down or look at me all day,” recalls Kagui.
The betrayed pup needed time to trust humans again. After a few days, he started to warm up and showed more affection. With some helpful tips on a harness and walking, they brought Smiley to a park with other dogs. “He was much calmer, pulled less and loved being surrounded by dogs and people.”
The couple quickly fell in love with Smiley and have decided to adopt him. “Smiley already feels like part of our family,” Kagui said. “It doesn’t take long for a foster dog to make their way into your heart. Our home would already feel empty without him here.”
She advocates for scared shelter dogs by posting, “Smiley is proof that all shelter dogs deserve a second chance and even if they have issues at the shelter, they might be completely fine outside of a stressful environment!”
The nervous dog, named Smiley, was surrendered to a crowded shelter in Brooklyn, New York. The dog was betrayed by his family and then placed on the “kill list” because the shelter stated, “He has been noted to become uncomfortable with handling at times, especially when a person is reaching over him.” He was not labeled as aggressive and no health issues.
The post caught the attention of Olena Kagui while riding the subway with her husband. Usually she has to pass the sad images, but something about the dog’s sad eyes begging for help made her stop. Kagui told the DoDo, “I started bawling when I saw that no one in the comments said they could take him,” Kagui said. “My husband noticed me crying, read the post and said, ‘We can’t get a dog right now.’”
Smiley was neutered and then headed to his new foster home. At first, he was very nervous and shy. “He drank some water and it was … clear that he was house-trained, [and] knew not to jump on the bed or to chew anything except for his toys. But he wouldn’t settle down or look at me all day,” recalls Kagui.
The couple quickly fell in love with Smiley and have decided to adopt him. “Smiley already feels like part of our family,” Kagui said. “It doesn’t take long for a foster dog to make their way into your heart. Our home would already feel empty without him here.”
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