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Dad Spends Night At Shelter To Adopt Homeless Dog His Son Gave His Heart To

What this dad did so his son could get a shelter dog is so wonderful!

Robert Lucas brought his 5-year-old son to Spotsylvania Animal Shelter to pick out the dog he wanted. His son picked out a homeless dog named Gibbs and had his heart set on getting him. No other dog would do.

But Gibbs was not yet up for adoption and when Robert asked the staff at the shelter they told him there were several other people who had expressed interest in adopting the black and tan terrier.

The shelter in Fredericksburg, VA had a first come, first serve policy, so Robert knew he had to do something to ensure his family would be the ones bringing Gibbs home.

The day before Gibbs was to be put up for adoption, Robert drove to the shelter at night and spent the entire night in the shelter’s parking lot to make sure he was the first at the door when it opened.

He told the Pilot Online he has no regrets about his sleepless night: “I don’t regret one second of it. From the time my son wakes up to the time he goes to bed, he’s talking about the dog. He’s very excited to have him, and he’s his new best friend. They are inseparable.”

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