Photographer Makes His Rescue Dog Star of Delightful Family Christmas Cards
Raggle is a rescue terrier who plays many roles around Christmas time. That’s because her human, UK-based photographer Peter Thorpe, turns her into different animals and characters from Christmas. From Scrooge to a penguin, Raggle is the star of funny and cute holiday scenes that her dad then makes into Christmas cards.

Thorpe first got started with this unique Christmas tradition by photographing his first rescue terrier, Paddy back in 1990. He continued the tradition with Raggle.
“Two dogs, three children and 25 Christmas’s later, creating these images has become something of a family tradition and a lovely record to treasure,” says Peter. “The fun has been to continue to create these traditionally rather than with Photoshop, by creating our own sets and props.”
The real props used in the photos give them a wonderful, rich feeling. When Thorpe finishes a card, he sends them to family, friends and clients.
Here’s a selection of the photos that have appeared on his cards over the years:
In 2015 – Santa Rescue

In 2014 – “Twas the night before Christmas, When all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”
“As Raggle sits by the giant mouse trap, she is very tempted – not by the Christmas pudding but the very tasty dog treats just out of view,” writes Thorpe.

In 2007 – ‘Dogkey’
“This is one of my favorites of the series. Turning a little dog into a little donkey requires a trip to the craft shop, a tennis ball nose, some modified bunny ears and this perfect performance from Raggle.”

In 2001 – “Here is Paddy as a very sincere looking Choirboy!”

In 2000 – ‘Tree Topper’
“Paddy was a tough badass terrier, perhaps THE most unlikely fairy to ever top a tree! I built a trick set giving the illusion of height, Paddy sat in a crate behind the gown, the same fake paws have been used many times since….”

In 2012 – Scrooge. “Bah humbug.”

In 2006 — “Follow Yonder Star.”

In 2009 — ‘Dog Roast’

In 2008 – Raggle ready for the ball.
“Raggle spruced up and ready for the ball [left] and looking a little more shabby behind the scenes [right].”
In 2010 — “While shepherds Watched”.
“With her natural fluffy white coat and a fake ears, Raggle fits in nicely in this nativity scene.”

In 2011 — “Penguin in Peril”
This idea came after watching a rather sad scene in BBC’s Blue Planet.”

In 2013 — “A winter robin”

In 2016, Sleigh ride

And behind the scenes.

In 1990 — “How it all got started. Just a pup dressed as Rudolph.”

Thorpe also made a video that is a retrospective of all the Christmas cards featuring Paddy and Raggle.

“Two dogs, three children and 25 Christmas’s later, creating these images has become something of a family tradition and a lovely record to treasure,” says Peter. “The fun has been to continue to create these traditionally rather than with Photoshop, by creating our own sets and props.”
The real props used in the photos give them a wonderful, rich feeling. When Thorpe finishes a card, he sends them to family, friends and clients.
Here’s a selection of the photos that have appeared on his cards over the years:
In 2015 – Santa Rescue

In 2014 – “Twas the night before Christmas, When all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”
“As Raggle sits by the giant mouse trap, she is very tempted – not by the Christmas pudding but the very tasty dog treats just out of view,” writes Thorpe.

“This is one of my favorites of the series. Turning a little dog into a little donkey requires a trip to the craft shop, a tennis ball nose, some modified bunny ears and this perfect performance from Raggle.”

In 2000 – ‘Tree Topper’
“Paddy was a tough badass terrier, perhaps THE most unlikely fairy to ever top a tree! I built a trick set giving the illusion of height, Paddy sat in a crate behind the gown, the same fake paws have been used many times since….”

In 2012 – Scrooge. “Bah humbug.”

In 2009 — ‘Dog Roast’
“I’m amazed Raggle managed to lay here ‘dressed up like a dogs dinner’ surrounded by all that food! She was of course rewarded with her own feast a couple of minutes later.”

“Raggle spruced up and ready for the ball [left] and looking a little more shabby behind the scenes [right].”

“With her natural fluffy white coat and a fake ears, Raggle fits in nicely in this nativity scene.”

This idea came after watching a rather sad scene in BBC’s Blue Planet.”

Thorpe also made a video that is a retrospective of all the Christmas cards featuring Paddy and Raggle.
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