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Grumpy Husky Hilariously Doesn’t Want to Play Santa’s Reindeer In Photoshoot

When it comes to Christmas photoshoots, Anuko the Husky makes his opinion very clear, he doesn’t want to play your reindeer games.

With fake, festive antlers adorning his head, Anuko gives the camera his best, grumpiest expression.

That’s a “Bah Humbug” expression if we’ve ever seen one.

Jasmine, Anuko’s human, told Unilad that Anouk isn’t a big fan of the holiday for some very good reasons. “He’s not a fan of Christmas too much because of the food he’s not allowed to eat and he gets yelled at if he goes too close to decorations,” she said. “Christmas Day he sulks in my room and doesn’t come out usually…Unless I buy him presents!”

Although Anuko looks angry, he’s actually very laid back, according to Jasmine. She’s had the Husky since he was a puppy to help her with her mental health. He’s become a blessing to her, inspiring her to go to veterinarian school and devote a website to help other Husky owners care properly for the breed.

Anuko and his scowl shot to Internet fame back in 2015 when Jasmine tweeted a picture of him not at all impressed by her ball throwing skills.

Since then, he’s charmed millions around the world with his grumpy face, which really is just because of his blaze and not his demeanor.

Don’t feel too sad for Anuko though. He gets spoiled with attention and he loves the snow in winter, which he gets to play in with his friends. He’s also not grumpy all the time. Just look at how much happier Anuko is in this video. Look at that smile!

And on that note, we’ll bid a farewell in Anuko’s own “words” — “Merry Christmas or whatever.”

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