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Rescued Basset Hound Finds Stray Kitten And Becomes Doting Mother

“My dog found a kitten, brought it home and now thinks it’s her baby”

Kristy and Shea adopted Maggie, the Basset Hound, from a shelter in April. Kristy told DogFull that, “She’s my first dog and is the best! She’s overly friendly and LOVES any other animal she sees and will howl until we let her go say ‘hi’. We live in the country and she’s always finding herself a new pet, which is usually a tortoise. One of our horses has really bonded with her [Maggie] and they will run together.”

On this particular occasion, Maggie brought home a kitten that she found in the brush at the side of a road. “Poor kitten was wet, covered in dirt and had multiple grazes and cuts. We think it may be the offspring of a neighbor’s barn cat. We kinda don’t want to return it there since it may wander off again plus it’s become pretty domesticated these last few days!”

“We checked the whole area and there was no sign of its mom or other siblings,” wrote Kirsty. “We think someone probably dumped it because it was in the roadside brush. He’s also very tolerant of people and other animals. He’s happily let our dog bath him and love on him all day! We estimate its about 4 weeks old. Poor thing was covered in minor cuts and has a big swollen eye. We’re taking him to the vet first thing in the morning but can’t keep him long term because I have allergies.”

It turned out the kitten was not quite as young as it looked, so was able to eat solid food. “We’ve taken care of fleas, ear mites and cared for the grazes. Apart from some allergies, it’s doing great!” said Kristy.

At first, they were undecided about keeping the cat, as Kristy explained, “I have bad allergies but I also only live here half of the year (here being OK and home being UK).” Kristy wrote, “I’m only considering that because she really is a great mother! She bathes it, takes it everywhere and even tries to let it suckle from her.” But soon after, Kristy an Shea decided to keep Maggie’s “baby”.

Maggie can now add kittens to her list of likes, which includes cheese, being held like a baby and eating grasshoppers (her dislikes include cows, the vacuum and the smell of nail polish”.

Kristy added in addition to being a great mother to her kitten, Maggie is “especially smart and when we say ‘I love you’ to her, she’ll howl it back in the same tune and amount of syllables. It’s hilarious!”

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