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Tiny Dog Adorably Rides On Golden Retriever To Get Attention And Treats

Bella may be the smallest of five dogs in the family, but she's figured out how to get noticed, with a little bit of help from her friend, Hank. Wait until you see these photos!

“Can we just talk about how my dog begs for food?” That’s how 19-year-old Adriana Burkhart introduced her adorable dog Bella, and her unusual technique for begging for treats – by riding on the back of her doggie pal, Hank.

Since tweeting pictures of Bella sitting on top of Hank the Golden Retriever, the comically cute pictures immediately went viral.

Adriana, who is a university student at Michigan State University, explains that when she goes home to visit her family she always brings along Bella, who loves hanging out with her family’s four other dogs.

But Bella’s favorite in the pack just might be Hank. Not only is Hank completely smitten with Bella, he also helps her get to those out-of-reach places by being her very own “stepping stool”. The extra height comes in very handy when Bella wants to get closer to where the food is.

A year ago, Burkhart noticed that Bella was climbing onto Hank to get onto the couch. It “kind of escalated” from there and now Bella regularly rides on Hank’s back. Hank doesn’t mind at all, as he adores her and has since he first saw her.

“I go home all the time, and the moment Bella walks through the door, [she] and Hank go CRAZY,” Adriana told Buzzfeed News. “They just hang out all day, which in turn means she rides him around the house.”

Although Bella is the smallest dog in the house, having Hank as her personal chauffeur means she gets noticed, which means extra attention…and food.

“Whenever we’re making food, she uses Hank to get a better vantage point so she can be closer to the counter,” said Adriana. “She’s got a pretty good puppy dog eye, so they both end up getting treats whenever that happens.”

After posting her pictures to Twitter, someone asked Adriana if Bella and Hank do their routine often, to which she responded “Oh yes…a common occurrence.”

One has to wonder if Frank the pug, one of the family’s other dogs, might just be a little bit jealous. Do you see him watching in the background?

But Frank is out of luck when it comes to being carried around by Hank. Adriana points out that Frank is “a good pupper who is too old and big to ride the beast”.

Photos published on Reshareworthy.com with permission from Adriana Burkhart.

As for Hank, he doesn’t seem to mind being Bella’s personal carrier. It certainly seems that he is always ready to give his friend a lift whenever she might need one!

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