Good Samaritan Saves 26 Puppies From Van As Temperatures Soar Over 90 Degrees
26 puppies were rescued from a van that was parked outside of a Walmart in Garfield, New Jersey.
The puppies, French and English bulldogs, were locked in two small crates in the van all alone with temperatures soaring into the low 90s.

Parked cars are fast-acting deathtraps for dogs: On a 78-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can soar to between 100 and 120 degrees mere minutes, and on a 90-degree day, the interior temperature can reach as high as 160 degrees in less than 10 minutes.
The Bergen County SPCA received a call reporting someone who was trying to sell dogs from a van behind the Walmart. That’s when SPCA investigators went to explore the situation.

The dogs had been recently flown into the United States from Columbia, and the driver of the van said they were being shipped to Florida. The SPCA brought the bulldogs to the Bergen County Animal Shelter in Teterboro.
The dogs were all very warm from being in the heat and were given water immediately. Thankfully, they are all doing OK. The SPCA, along with the Good Samaritan who reported the puppies, are true heroes. If the pups weren’t rescued when they were, they most likely wouldn’t have survived much longer in that hot van.

The dogs will remain at the shelter while the investigation continues. Once the case is closed, they can be relocated and/or put up for adoption.
According to USA Today, no summons have been issued thus far. Possible offenses could include improper transport or animal c.r.u.e.l.t.y.

Sadly, stories of dogs being kept alone in hot cars is far too common. Aside from being against the law, it is also very dangerous to leave pets in unattended cars.
The puppies, French and English bulldogs, were locked in two small crates in the van all alone with temperatures soaring into the low 90s.

The Bergen County SPCA received a call reporting someone who was trying to sell dogs from a van behind the Walmart. That’s when SPCA investigators went to explore the situation.

The dogs were all very warm from being in the heat and were given water immediately. Thankfully, they are all doing OK. The SPCA, along with the Good Samaritan who reported the puppies, are true heroes. If the pups weren’t rescued when they were, they most likely wouldn’t have survived much longer in that hot van.

According to USA Today, no summons have been issued thus far. Possible offenses could include improper transport or animal c.r.u.e.l.t.y.

Even if a window is cracked, it is still not enough air for the animals, especially if it is hot outside. Whatever the temperature is outside, the temperature in the car greatly exceeds that number.
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